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Liberty Township Trustee

Office Address

4945 Iowa St.
Clayton, IN 46118

Mailing Address

487 Martha Eunice Ln.
Clayton, IN 46118


Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm
by appointment only

About Township Trustees

The trustee is assisted by a three-member Township Board whose members are also elected to four year terms. Duties of the board include adopting the annual budget, serving as a board of finance and approving township contracts. In January of each year, the trustee presents to the board an annual report showing the receipts, expenditures, investments and debts of the township. The approved report is then published in local papers for public inspection.

The duties of the Trustee range from the adoption of the annual budget, serving as a board of finance, and approving township contracts to providing fire protection and ambulance service, township assistance, burials and cemetery maintenance, libraries, and parks and recreation including shelters.

Trustee of Liberty Township:
Brad Butler

Advisory Board Members:
Donnie Salsman

James McDermott
Steve Monaghan

Brad Butler, Trustee of Liberty Township

Reserve a Park Shelter

We have four park shelters available for reservation. They can be reserved from 8am-2pm, 2pm-Dusk, or for a full day.

Fire Department

If you’re in need of the Fire Department, please visit their site by clicking the link below:

Get Public Assistance

Need assistance? We can help. Click on the link below and fill out the application.

Township Meetings

Town Meetings occur monthly. You will find meeting agendas below under the “Upcoming Events and Meetings” section.

Upcoming Events and Meetings

Meeting Minutes

Coming Soon!

Have Questions or Need Help?

Get in Touch


Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm
by appointment only

Office Address

4945 Iowa St.
Clayton, IN 46118

Mailing Address

487 Martha Eunice Ln.
Clayton, IN 46118